It has been seven months since the instant closure of schools following COVID 19 pandemic. Learning has not been easy despite having a well-programmed timetable for the children in the Home. We managed to coordinate with schools for the provision of learning materials and through zoom classes which have been beneficial to our children.
For the 12th of October, the government scheduled the reopening of some classes i.e. the grade 4 and the candidates of both primary and secondary. It has come when the country is reporting increasing numbers of COVID 19 infections and we hope that parents will continue educating and reminding their children on how to live and protect themselves against the virus.
As a Home, this comes with a lot of fear as now children have to walk daily to and from school. Considering their health status this comes with a lot of fear. We are praying that the Lord may protect them because just one case can be a great blow to the Home.